Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MPI UGA Raises Awareness with Manna Week!

One of the most important things that our campus chapters do is to raise awareness of MPI's work.  By getting us more exposure with the student bodies at their various universities, our chapters are ultimately able to allow more young people the opportunity to serve internationally and locally with MPI.

With this goal in mind, our chapter at the University of Georgia just wrapped up its second annual Manna Week celebration. The week kicked off on January 31st and ended February 4th, with percentage nights every night of the week at local restaurants and bars. The turnout was great, which helped UGA Manna raise over $200 towards its two spring break fundraising commitments for 2011! 

A big thank you goes out to the participating bars and restaurants:
  • Barberito's
  • Sweet Pepper's Deli
  • Yoguri
  • YourPie
  • Sideways Bar
  • Sandbar

The events went so well that the UGA chapter's Executive Board is considering creating a similar event to kick off next year to be held this coming August. Keep an eye out for it!

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